The challenge of making business intelligence (BI) easier to use and
more pervasive has been widely debated for the last five years. During
that time, BI has stalled at an estimated penetration of between 10% and
20% of enterprise users. Every year sees a new analytical technology, a
new analytical tool, a new process that promises more analytical power
to the business analysts, but none of them have been able to move the
needle toward widespread adoption, or "consumerization" of BI.

09 May 2013
Why The World Needs Business Intelligence Apps
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: BI Software
Business Intelligence Software Addresses Critical Industry Need
recently revised its business intelligence software to incorporate
additional data sources into the existing software package. This
expanded software enables users to acquire data directly from multiple
sources, including social media sites, spreadsheets and Hadoop-based
Such time- and labor-saving enhancements address a critical industry
need and supports the growing trends of analyzing multiple data streams
from different areas of business to achieve business intelligence
project goals.
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: BI Software, Oracle
17 April 2012
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit 7 Overview
Having talked about the private victories held within the first 3 habits and the public victories that exist in habits 4, 5 and 6....
It's time to bring them all together. This is the habit that makes everything we have learnt to this point, possible. By simply taking the time and initiative to read this post, you are already living the habit of "Sharpening the Saw". Aren't you?
Personally, I always remember the story that was first heard many years ago and relayed through Stephen Coveys words. It spoke of a frustrated, big hulking, axe wielding tree lopper who flatly refused to take a backward step when it came to chopping down trees during a marathon experiment.
The frustration was born from the fact that one of his competitors continually relaxed, took a break and spent time tinkering around making sure his blades were as sharp as could be. The result if you haven't figured it out is that the hulking axe wielder was left floundering in the wake of someone with possibly less physical ability but someone smart enough to sharpen his saw!
Habit 7 is all about renewing the greatest asset of all. You! It's about the continual development of the 4 key dimensions to your nature.
The Physical Dimension
Exercise and looking after our physical body is paramount to our successes. It is a Quadrant 2 thing to do. (Habit 3 "Put First things First"). It incorporates the need to eat healthy foods, relaxation, rest and sufficient exercise. Be pro-active. Take the initiative instead of reacting to the forces that stop you... You will be glad you did.
The Spiritual Dimension
This is a very private part of one's life and it will reflect your core along with your commitment levels towards your value system. A spiritual renewal takes time but is definitely another Quadrant 2 activity.
The Mental Dimension It amazes me to no end how many people believe that all study stops after the completion of the prison sentence some call school.
The TV, the Xbox, Playstations and chat rooms all become the new classroom. If you are not reading and attempting to expand your mind through the books of some of the worlds most gifted people, you should. The person that does not read is no better off than the person that can't read.
The Social/Emotional Dimension
Whilst the first 3 dimensions are related to your principles of personal vision which relates to habits 1,2 and 3. This dimension is related to habits 4,5 and 6. It is centred on the principles of empathic communication, leadership and creative co-operation.
Our lives are not as other people see it. Our happiness, our security and even our successes come from within. It comes from living our lives with an integrity that reflects our true, deepest values. This entire process, referred to by Covey as the self-renewal process is something that needs the balance of each of the 4 mentioned dimensions.
The private victory takes work. It takes at least one hour a day when renewing the spiritual, physical and mental dimensions but it is the key to integrating the 7 habits into your everyday life. The public victory is no different. Sharpening the Saw will provide you with the fuel and knowledge you need.
It will grow your circle of influence along with developing all the other habits that will ultimately lead to your interdependent reality. When you have read the book, share it with others. It is amazingly powerful and sometimes confronting but it is better that we alone stand in judgement of ourselves, not leaving the outcome in the hands of others.
This is the habit that when done can make all other habits a distinct possibility. Sharpen the Saw means to stay in front of the game. Always be looking at ways to improve. This is an awesome book and it forms the backbone to my business at MLM Stroke Of Fortune []. and I hope the value you get out of the book can match even a small percentage of what I personally got out of it.
Tags : SOA Business Intelligence BI Software Applications SOA Service Oriented Architecture