Business Intelligence BI Software : Targit BI Solutions
Budgeting & Forecasting
TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite also supports your need for budgeting, forecasting and consolidation. We add new data into the data mart, which will afterwards be available in the TARGIT user interface for further analysis and for reporting. For the purpose of entering data into the data mart TARGIT typically uses Excel, Integration Services in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and misc. web applications.
If you are in the market for any of the described Business Intelligence disciplines, TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite will be an obvious choice. We provide a user-friendly Business Intelligence Tool, which through its extensive computer-power aids managers and employees at all levels of the organization in their decision making.
Source: Targit BI Solutions, Business Intelligence BI Software Application information at

19 October 2008
Targit Business Intelligence Softwares
Posted by Trirat 2 comments
Labels: Targit
Targit BI Solutions
Business Intelligence BI Software : Targit BI Solutions
Analysis & Reporting
Analytical CRM
Analytical SCM
Clickstream Analysis
Activity Based Costing
Finance Intelligence
Data mining
Gain insights into company data! These disciplines all concern analysis and reporting of company data and the only difference here is which data you look at (customer, inventory, financial etc.). TARGIT supports all the disciplines and will allow you to look at whatever data you want, with the only limit being your own data. TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite thereby provides the insights needed by employees at all levels of the organization.
TARGIT has developed special features such as easy datamining, regression, and simulation of correlation between the dimensions through time. For more information on TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite read Product Briefing.
Source: Targit BI Software Solutions, Business Intelligence Business BI Software Application information at
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: Targit
Targit Business Intelligence
Targit Business Intelligence BI Software Solutions
There are many ways of saying the same thing. Within Business Intelligence we are faced with numerous terms, expressions and buzzwords, which all relates to the overall concept of Business Intelligence – some of which can be seen on this page.
TARGIT Business Intelligence offers a highly cost effective approach to any of the following disciplines. Below we explain how the buzzwords relate to TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite.
Corporate Performance Management
Executive Information
Management Information
Balanced Scorecard
Business Scorecard
Key Performance Indicators
Gain overview of company data! This is the objective within all these disciplines that all measure critical success factors by setting up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The disciplines are so similar that it does not make sense to separate them into various systems. In TARGIT Business Intelligence Suite the functionality needed to gain such overview – and more - can be found in our Intelligent Dashboard feature.
Dashboards made in TARGIT BI Suite can be both strategic and operational. TARGIT has designed a method of adjusting dashboards to the user, which enable creation of dashboards containing strategic and/or operational measures. Thereby we meet the need for overview for executives, managers and other employees at all levels of the organization.
Source: Business Intelligence BI Software Application, Targit BI Software information at
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: Targit
10 October 2008
Open source BI continues to improve
BI Business Intelligence News : Open source BI continues to improve by Zack Urlocker
Last week at the Red Hat Summit in Boston, Jaspersoft announced their new version 3 suite, aimed at taking the company beyond their namesake widely-used reporting system.
This latest version focuses on ad-hoc BI with a more flexible "Web 2.0" AJAX interface making it easy to build dashboards via drag and drop. By creating metadata domains, the eliminate the need for users to understand the underlying database schemas and queries. You can also easily embed the dashboard in any web application.
JasperSoft's latest update appears to be a significant improvement in making open source BI offerings more competitive in the market. Traditionally, the large scale closed source BI vendors have been able to dismiss open source products as being unproven or too limited in their capabilities. But with the rate of development at JasperSoft, Pentaho and BIRT, I think 2008 is the year that open source BI will start to have serious impact in the market.
If you're a BI "power user" or just a newbie, I'd like to get your thoughts in this area. Do you think the open source companies have what it takes to rival the incumbents? What's been your experience with these products? Let me know.
Source: BI Business Intelligence software information at
Posted by Trirat 1 comments
Labels: Business Intelligence Articles
04 October 2008
BI Glossary - OLAP
Business Intelligence BI Glossary - OLAP
Online Analytical Processing. OLAP is a category of database software which provides an interface such that users can quickly and interactively examine the results in various dimensions of the data. OLAP primarily involves aggregating large amounts of diverse data. OLAP can involve millions of data items with complex relationships. Its objective is to analyze these relationships and look for patterns, trends, and exceptions. A cube is an OLAP tool.
Topics: OLAP, Online Analytical Processing, Business Intelligence Glossary, BI Term, BI Software Business Application
Posted by Trirat 1 comments
Labels: BI Glossary, OLAP
BI Glossary - Data Mart - Data Warehouse - Database
Data Mart - BI Glossary
BI Term - Data Mart - A data mart, Business Intelligence Glossary, is a logical subset of related information, usually built around one or a few business processes, or a specific subject area. An example is the Student Income Data Mart, which holds student and income details for UofT Graduate and Undergraduate Students.
Data Warehouse - BI Glossary
BI Terms - Data Warehouse - A repository of corporate or institutional data that is organized in a way that is meaningful for Business Analysis and Reporting. It may also store historical information. A data warehouse is a collection of data marts.
Database - BI Glossary
BI Term - Database - A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval. A database is organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system.
Topics: Data Mart, Data Warehouse, Database, Business Intelligence Glossary, BI Term, BI Software Application
Posted by Trirat 1 comments
Labels: BI Glossary, Data Mart, Data Warehouse, Database
BI Glossary - Business Intelligence and Business Measure
Business Intelligence Glossary - Business Intelligence (BI)
Business Intelligence (BI), BI Term, is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help clients make better business decisions.
Business Measure
A business metric, BI Glossary, is any type of measurement used to gauge some quantifiable component of a company's performance, such as return on investment, employee and student counts, revenues and expenses, etc.
Topics: Business Intelligence Glossary, BI Terms, Business Measure, Business Metric, BI Software Application
Posted by Trirat 1 comments
Labels: BI Glossary
02 October 2008
BI Glossary - Sarbanes-Oxley
Business Intelligence BI Glossary - Sarbanes-Oxley
The purpose of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act - signed into law on July 30 2002 - is to review legislative audit requirements and to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures. Sarbanes-Oxley covers issues such as establishing a public company accounting oversight board, auditor independence, corporate responsibility and enhanced financial disclosure. It also significantly tightens accountability standards for directors and officers, auditors, securities analysts and legal counsel. The law is named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael G. Oxley.
Topics: Business Intelligence Glossary, BI Terms, BI Software Application, Sarbanes-Oxley information
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: BI Glossary
BI Glossary - Query Analysis Reporting
Business Intelligence BI Software Glossary - Query and analysis
Tools that allow end users to interact with business information and answer ad hoc questions without advanced knowledge of the underlying data sources. These tools support query generation and basic report authoring, as well as integrated analysis. Learn more about query and analysis
BI Glossary - Reporting
Reporting (or enterprise reporting) tools facilitate accessing data, formatting it, and delivering it as information inside and outside the organization. Reporting serves as the foundation of a broader BI strategy by providing the most-requested pieces of information reliably and securely - via the Web or embedded in enterprise applications.
Topoics: Business Intelligence Software Glossary, BI Terms, BI Query and Analysis, BI Reporting information
Posted by Trirat 0 comments
Labels: Analysis, BI Glossary, Enterprise Reporting