27 July 2008

SAS BI for Automotive

Business Intelligence SAS BI for Automotive

Accelerating Profits Through Better Decisions

Change is racing through the automotive industry at breakneck speed. Gone are the barriers separating national markets. The new landscape is global, filled with mergers and acquisitions, new channels of information and the overriding pressures to keep costs down while driving up quality, safety and customer satisfaction.

Keeping pace with these changes and the massive quantity of data associated with them presents a challenge for even the most agile organization.

A flood of information about customers, supply chains, operations and post-production support streams in from multiple sources – but how do you take that data and turn it into knowledge you can act on?

Imagine the ability to evaluate your supply-chain data in every conceivable format. Imagine knowing at a glance who your most profitable customers are or gaining early warning about product failures. Imagine having mission-critical information about your organization at the touch of a button. Envision being able to accurately answer all of your productivity, quality and profitability questions – before they're asked.

SAS® Solutions for Automotive deliver the most important commodity in today's business world – THE POWER TO KNOW®. That power enables auto industry leaders to translate data into a healthier bottom line. The race is on ... and SAS can put you in the winner's circle. Harness the power to know ... and take your business to the next level.

Source: Business intelligence BI SAS solutions for automotive at SAS.com