19 August 2008

BI Solution - SAS To Prevent Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Improper Payments in Government

Business Intelligence BI Software : SAS To Prevent Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Improper Payments in Government

Government agencies face enormous challenges in attempting to prevent improper payments caused by fraud, waste and abuse. The Government Accountability Office estimates that $55 billion – that’s with a B – was lost to improper payments in fiscal year 2007 alone*. Who pays for these losses? The American taxpayer. Fraud not only takes money out of taxpayers’ pockets, it also takes a hefty toll on other programs, which are subject to budget cuts, inadequate and reduced program funding, possible review by the Inspector General and possible Congressional or Legislative hearings.

All agencies face equal risk from the misuse of government funds. From Medicare/Medicaid to purchase and travel cards, revenue maximization and compliance as well as identity theft, all levels of government are waging a war against this misuse.

Improve data effectiveness
SAS helps fight fraud, waste and abuse by giving government organizations a consistent version of the truth that enables critical decisions to be made more efficiently and with less risk. With data integration and ETL, SAS gives you that single version of the truth along with sophisticated data matching and standardization routines that reach across multiple platforms. Using SAS for data quality, organizations can standardize and augment data while identifying duplicate names, addresses and other identifying information.

Improve audit and investigation effectiveness
With SAS’ advanced analytical capabilities, you can proactively uncover undetected fraud patterns to identify and predict future risks. You can ease the burden of validating false positives, maximizing recovery and prosecution while reducing processing time and recovery costs.

SAS identifies fraudulent claims before they are paid and prioritizes for investigation payments that seem likely to be improper. Our solutions rapidly detect new fraud schemes and patterns before they cause problems.

Recently, SAS enabled a government organization that analyzes and evaluates healthcare claims to detect fraud, waste and abuse in the claims process. Data mining and analysis helped uncover that a single provider had double-billed the organization and Medicare at a cost of $1 million. Data mining saves the government an estimated millions of dollars in fraud and waste each year.
Improve program effectiveness and monitor fraudulent activity
SAS Strategic Performance Management helps organizations monitor key performance metrics to determine program effectiveness and efficiency. It helps organizations define metrics in a dashboard environment to monitor activities and threats proactively, helping curtail fraud. SAS helps identify sources of organization failure and isolate best practices that lead to success. In short, SAS provides a strategic heads-up that keeps organizations on course and stops fraudulent activity before it occurs.

Source: Business intelligence BI software, SAS BI solutions for government at sas.com