17 September 2008

SAS BI Solutions for Media

Business Intelligence BI Software Application : SAS BI Solutions for Media

Media executives face the complete transformation of their industry. Audiences have not only begun migrating to new media, they have brought their heightened expectations of immediacy, relevance, customization and participation back to traditional media channels.

This shift leaves traditional media brands struggling with the balance between old and new ways of doing business. New formats and media sites quickly emerge into powerful competitors. Executives are forced to make strategic decisions about digitization, distribution, content management, subscription packages and advertising avails. They are scrutinizing their revenue-generation and subscriber-retention strategies in a quest to understand audience desires and expectations.

To dominate their markets, media companies of any size – from giant conglomerates, interactive media sites, cable and satellite providers to publishers and film and music studios – need to harness the information hidden in their customer and operational data.

SAS offers technologies and solutions that can adapt to the diversity of the media industry, helping to solve your company's unique problems while building on the technology investments you have already made. With SAS, you can maximize success in many areas.

Subscriber intelligence
To acquire, retain and cross-sell subscribers, you must offer them what they want. With SAS, you can learn your subscribers' preferences, behaviors and unmet needs through sophisticated analysis during your day-to-day interactions. Such analysis, coupled with powerful campaign management, enables you to deliver more effective marketing communications and improve the success of your acquisition, retention and cross-sell strategies.

SAS provides subscriber intelligence and award-winning campaign management for every industry subsector, available either as in-house customer intelligence solutions or as a hosted solution.

Circulation and subscription forecasting
Current economics exacerbate the pressure on publishers to get an accurate forecast of qualified subscription levels and newsstand sales. This forecasting process serves as the basis for decisions on distribution, promotional spending and activities, material planning, advertising evaluations and, ultimately, corporate financial projections. The more accurate your predictions, the better your outcome.

SAS offers superior forecasting technologies that provide a range of capabilities for:

Time series analysis and forecasting.
Econometrics and systems modeling.
Financial analysis and reporting.
Web visitor retention
Even the most established media brand is facing unprecedented threats from the Web's immediacy, personalization and participatory nature. Steadfast rules are being challenged as geographies, time zones and unidirectional formats are no longer constraints; they are quickly being replaced by advertising backlash, smaller screens and mobility. As a result, all media and entertainment Web channels are looking closely at strategies for enhancing direct relationships with consumers. SAS provides web visitation intelligence with a Web analytics solution.

Enhanced advertising effectiveness
To maintain a competitive edge, marketing executives must make faster, smarter buying decisions and be able to justify their purchases – based on real knowledge rather than gut instinct. The problem is that there is so much data on so many platforms that it's difficult to access, manage and analyze it to articulate a particular medium's buying power.

SAS helps you optimize your marketing mix by identifying which media and advertising activities generate the greatest ROI. With SAS you can understand your audience's motivations and behavior, so you can assess the likelihood that they will respond to specific offers. You can also promote customer loyalty and satisfaction through more efficient and better-targeted marketing communications.

SAS data integration technology lets you access data from any source or platform and clean it to ensure a single, enterprise view that allows more accurate, reliable analysis. And SAS text mining enables your media advertising experts to group, subgroup and match an audience to its client advertisers' exact target segments.

Source: Business intelligence BI software application, SAS BI solutions for media at sas.com