25 November 2009

Tagetik BI : Cash Flow Planning

Business Intelligence BI Tagetik Software : Cash Flow Planning

Tagetik 3.0 reduces the time and costs involved in managing financial planning at divisional, corporate and group levels. The highly automated software unifies all interrelated processes starting from strategic and operational planning and extending beyond to the financial close and reporting.

Tagetik 3.0 supports Finance and Management Control functions on all enterprise levels in four major areas:

  • Financial and Asset Planning
  • Cash Reporting
  • Credit/Debit Reporting and Analysis
  • Cash Flow Management by Project

To support the Cash Flow Planning process Tagetik 3.0 delivers:

Financial and Asset Planning

  • Test multiple scenarios with intelligent data allocations that use different weights and rules for collections and payments
  • Create income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements that are perfectly aligned with each other
  • Leverage built-in, easy-to-use features for custom financial modeling (e.g. collection/payment deferrals, credit/debit schedules, taxes, cash pooling)
  • Make more accurate forecasts using double-entry accounting rules
  • Create budgets and forecasts using different currencies
  • Manage assets and investments in individual operations
  • Create income statements that automatically calculate depreciation, profit or loss (i.e. short, mid and long term) and taxes
  • Manage several lines of credit using different financial policies
  • Calculate your net financial position using built-in features for cash pooling and group taxation

Source: Tagetik Business Intelligence application software at Tagetik.