09 August 2008

BI SAS Solutions : P-20 Education

Business Intelligence BI Application Software : SAS BI Solutions for P-20 Education

What is P-20?
P-20 is a data-rich longitudinal initiative that integrates relevant data about a student's education from preschool through graduate school or actual entry into the work force. A robust P-20 initiative system includes linked student records, teacher records, test scores, course selection, finances, certifications, licensure, salary and more.

How can SAS help with P-20?
The SAS Enterprise Intelligence Platform provides a complete information infrastructure for data integration, validation, business intelligence, analytics and information deployment.

With SAS, information gaps among key educational agencies will no longer exist, and executive decision makers will be armed with the accurate data they need to make proactive decisions.

Educators will have the answers to P-20 questions such as:

  • How can we forecast hiring needs and coursework needed to prepare graduates - by location, discipline and certification area?
  • Where do graduates go when they enter the work force? Are adequate numbers entering high-need areas?
  • How do graduates perform when they enter the classroom or the work force?
  • How long do graduates stay in the field, and what factors are linked to retention?
  • Which programs are producing the most successful graduates?

Source: Business Intelligence BI Application Software, SAS BI Solutions for P-20 Education at sas.com