17 January 2008

Actuate BI Products - Enterprise Reporting

Enterprise Reporting - Actuate Business Intelligence Products

Business Intelligence Gets Adopted When it is Delivered in an Application ExperienceActuate provides a complete set of products to meet the Business Reporting and analysis needs of any user in the organization, any partner and any customer - within the context of a business-specific application experience.

Featured DemoActuate 9 BusinessReports Watch this demo to learn more on Actuate's new ad-hoc web reporting environment View demo

People want Business Intelligence that supports the way they work today. They want relevant information delivered with the Enterprise Reporting and analysis functionality appropriate to their task. Successful Business Intelligence implementations deliver:

  • A full line of BI and reporting tools accessible within a single interface
  • On-demand Enterprise Reporting information delivered over the web in an intuitive portal
  • An interface that adapts to the familiar look-and-feel of existing applications
  • Limitless data presentation formats
Interactive Web Reports Reports developed, designed and personalized by everyone involved in reporting, from IT professionals and report developers to business analysts and end-users.

Brochure-Quality Reporting Meets the needs of even your most demanding user with precision formatting that remains consistent whether in print or online.

Spreadsheet Reporting Automatically generates Excel spreadsheets from enterprise data sources complete with formulas, formatting and cell-locking for compliance.

Business Analytics Full cube-based OLAP analytics with multi-dimensional modeling.

Dashboards Visualize operational indicators in real-time as they happen in order to proactively drive performance.

Scorecards Visualize performance against key metrics and goals within a specific time period to assess operational effectiveness and adjust plans for the future.

Source: For more information, please visit http://www.actuate.com/products/enterprise-reporting/index.asp