IBM Business Intelligence BI Software: Cognos 8 Business Intelligence BI Scorecarding
Scorecarding helps you align your teams and tactics with strategy, communicate goals consistently, and monitor performance against targets.
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Use scorecard portlets to access and communicate scorecard content and encourage a broader use across your organization.
Hover over scorecard impact diagrams and instantly receive important metric information for you to act on without having to click anywhere to find it. Add new strategic objectives and supporting metrics to scorecards and strategy maps without the need to rely on your IT group for assistance. Ensure ownership and accountability for performance
Assign a primary owner for every metric.
Organize and view scorecards by status to focus on objectives and performance. View scorecards by owner to understand accountability. View scorecards in a strategy map to see how they fit into the corporate strategy. Set events and alerts to keep you aware of when a metric changes status. Embed business intelligence capabilities into your scorecards for added context and analysis. Manage corrective actions and initiatives from within the application. Align decisions and tactics with strategy
Use a metrics network and centralized data store to ensure reliable and consistent information.
Create a metric, diagram, or scorecard once and use them wherever else they are needed to ensure consistent definitions and targets. Implement your strategy and execute against it
Build and deploy scorecards quickly using wizards.
Scorecard and metric design tools reduce the time you need to create and deploy your system. Use menus to define threshold ranges, benchmarks, data source definition, contact names, and URLs for contextual information. Create strategy maps, impact analysis and cause-and-effect diagrams, and other elements of the Balanced Scorecard. Simple deployment and administration
- Recalibrate targets in response to changes in performance with integrated planning capabilities.
- Multilingual: metrics can be populated in any language and then displayed in users' preferred language.
- Single sign-on dialog box.
- Use three and five-state status indicators and plan vs. actual data to reveal progress against targets.
Source: For more information, please visit
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