07 March 2008

Gartner Business Intelligence & Information Management Summit

Gartner Business Intelligence & Information Management Summit

14 March 2008 - Singapore - Suntec International Convention & Exhibition Centre


Business dynamics are changing radically due to the globalisation of markets, increased scrutiny of results, and, ever increasingly rapid and interlocking business strategies and processes. As a consequence, higher expectations and user demands for information and analysis to make smarter decisions and manage business performance are changing.

Better decisions, faster. That was the most important reason cited for investing in BI in the Gartner "User Wants and Needs" surveys conducted around the world earlier this year. Our annual CIO survey showed that BI applications remain the highest technology priority for CIOs today.

However, only 36% of CIOs believe that management is using the right information to run the business.

Most organisations equate BI with information delivery. The challenge is that most users, and vendors, don't see BI as a broad strategic initiative. The value of BI is more than information dissemination; BI is highly linked to achieving business goals. Yet the biggest problem IT still faces is how to make BI more pervasive and increase adoption among business users.

The inaugural Business Intelligence and Information Management Summit in Singapore will address the key issues affecting your organisation's BI&IM strategy and initiatives, to make smarter decisions. From building the business case to increasing user adoption; and improving data quality and governance, you'll get the advice, guidance and best practices to stay on top of all the latest trends, new strategies, technology developments, and the many other aspects of this changing business tool.

Start Making Smarter Decisions Now. The Gartner Business Intelligence & Information Management Summit delivers a wide range of analyst presentations, panel sessions, the latest technology solutions and more. Plus the opportunity to network with and share collective experience of delegates from throughout Asia. We hope to see you in Singapore!

Source: For more information on Business Intelligence BI Summit, please visit http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=563507&tab=overview