Calumo BI Case Study : Baulderstone Hornibrook – Generating High ROI from Enterprise BI
Business Scenario
Baulderstone Hornibrook’s Mission is to deliver sustainable solutions exceeding client and community expectations. With a turnover in excess of A$1 billion and work in hand of A$1.9 billion, Baulderstone is one of Australia’s largest construction groups, creating and delivering innovative solutions for the community’s large and complex infrastructure needs.
In this complex environment “it is essential that the organisation is equipped with a “real time”, single, 360 Degree view of enterprise performance,” notes Ian Pearl, Group Manager Controlling & IT, Baulderstone Hornibrook.
For Baulderstone this means that its Enterprise intelligence platform is required to provide inter-operability with several disparate data sources often in real-time. These discreet inputs are aggregated and fused to provide knowledge for a range of purposes from digital executive dash-boarding to operational reporting.
Tangible Benefits
Baulderstone has built its culture around values including innovation, openness, personal integrity, the spirit of discovery, safety for well-being and responsiveness. SPF Plus/TM1 has found its place firmly supporting these values and assisting Baulderstone to achieve its mission.
The benefits of Bauldertone’s SPF Plus/TM1 implementation have been manifold and include:
- Better forecasting resulting in better management of working capital
- Where required, information can be deployed to all users immediately through reports relevant to them – one version of the truth available in near real time
- The ability to leverage its reporting capabilities with core but disparate systems used for measuring and managing safety and defects. This supports Baulderstone’s business model of decentralisation and accountability with improvements in transparency together with cost and process efficiencies
- Minimised defects and improved workflow and visibility of defects stanotification to PDA’s for rectifying defectstistics using system generated alerts
- Improved cash forecasting
- Consolidation of Project KPI’s into simple one page analysis/review sheets
- Transparency and standardisation in safety incident reporting; promoting improvement in safety performance and potential to reduce cost related to accidents
Business Solution
Initially SPF Plus/TM1 was deployed in 1999 to streamline the preparation and distribution of the divisional financial reports and metrics. These reports were combined into web-based Executive dashboards and summaries enabling both Executives and Managers to drill into One Version of the Truth from their own perspectives and for their own needs.
Seeing the potential application for operational data as well as financial information, the implementation is now being expanded. The ground work for full-capability Corporate Performance Management is now clearly laid.
Requirements in Detail
Baulderstone had a carefully considered list of requirements for its chosen BI tool which included:
- The flexibility to deliver “our business our way”
- Improve standard processes for consolidation
- Streamline workflow documentation and processes for rectifying defects
- Provide a collaborative environment to minimise defects
- Integration of KPI’s with reward systems
- Emphasis on key business drivers with Dashboard based exception reporting
- Refinement of Performance Measures
- A 360º view of Enterprise Performance
- Cost effective rapid deployment
- A single platform for planning, reporting and web deployment
- Effective collection, delivery and presentation of key metrics and daily statistics via the web across all business units
- Minimising costs of recording incidents
- Intuitive and positive user experience
- Tight integration between Web reports, Excel and the BI system
integrity, reliability and transparency of the data - Scalability and best of breed performance and response times maintained as the system scales
- Rapid and demonstrable pay-back
- Web based, ad hoc reporting and analysis with real-time links to other data sources/data marts
- Workflow, alerts/notifications exception reporting
- Tight integration with, and decision support to, Executive Business Reviews
Getting to the Future First
On the future of Bauderstone’s Business Intelligence platform Ian Pearl notes that “Over the next 12 months, the plan is to really push the capabilities of this solution. We have so much more potential with SPF Plus/TM1, the boundaries of Excel are now very clear and we have surpassed them 10 fold.”
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