16 May 2008

Calumo BI Reporting & Analysis

Business Intelligence Software : Calumo Reporting and Analysis

Best practice in BPM relies on a continuous cycle of reporting, planning, monitoring and action.

The CALUMO BPM suite delivers all of these capabilities in a single, comprehensive and unified solution.

CALUMO transforms vast stores of operational data into useful knowledge and delivers it using the terms and formats that your employees understand. CALUMO empowers your people to analyse and use data unassisted, with simple mouse clicks and familiar interfaces, and then share their insight with colleagues for improved collaboration.

CALUMO is the complete package for Reporting and Analysis allowing users to:

  • Build interactive dashboard reports using inbuilt charting, gauges and other graphical capability
  • Rapidly create ad-hoc views and reports in MS-Excel and publish them to the web, via a single mouse click
  • Create highly formatted, interactive “Briefing Books” via the Web or Excel, which automatically cascade across the corporate hierarchy or other reporting structures
  • Create “Pull” report portals or “Push” batch report sets
  • Incorporate conditional formatting and “Traffic Lighting” with user-de?ned thresholds for fast colour-coded visualisation at any report level
  • Combine multi-dimensional and relational data
  • Access their data in real-time Drill-through to transactions and other summary data
  • Store commentary at every report level, and link to supporting documents
  • Easily maintain pervasive securities and permissions
  • Analyse large volumes of data to discover patterns and trends through powerful data mining capability
  • Manage financial and non-financial data

Source: For more information on business intelligence software, Calumo Reporting and Analysis, visit http://www.calumo.com/reporting-analysis.html