2207 Bridgepointe Parkway Suite 500San Mateo, CA 94404USA
TEL: (888) 422-8828FAX: (650) 827-1560URL:
Description : Actuate Corporation is dedicated to increasing the richness, interactivity and effectiveness of enterprise data, for everyone, everywhere. Actuate delivers the next generation RIA-ready information platform for both customer and employee-facing applications. Its proven RIA capabilities and highly collaborative development architecture are backed by the world's largest open source information application developer community, grounded in BIRT, the Eclipse Foundation's only top level Business Intelligence and reporting project.
The company has over 4,400 customers globally in a diverse range of business areas including financial services and the public sector, many of which have a long history of deploying Actuate-based solutions for dozens, or even hundreds of their mission-critical applications. Actuate is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol ACTU.
Organization Type: Vendor Date Founded: 1993
Topic CoverageBelow is a list of the key topic areas that Actuate covers in the reports that are available on Oracle Research Library:
Reporting Software (10 Documents)
Business Intelligence (11 Documents)
Business Performance Management (5 Documents)
Dashboards (3 Documents)
Open Source (3 Documents)
Business Intelligence Software (8 Documents)
Information Management (3 Documents)
Business Performance Management Software (2 Documents)
Spreadsheets (1 Document)
Financial Services Industry (3 Documents)
Java (1 Document)
Business Process Management (2 Documents)
Strategic Planning (1 Document)
Microsoft Excel (1 Document)
Information Management Software (1 Document)
Open Source Software (3 Documents)
Product CoverageBelow is a list of the key products that Actuate has listed on Oracle Research Library:
Actuate 9
Actuate BIRT
Actuate e.Spreadsheet Engine
Actuate iPortal
Agent and Broker Portals
Balanced Scorecard
Data Integration
Enterprise Reporting
Performance Management
Source: For more Actuate Business Intelligence BI software, visit
2207 Bridgepointe Parkway Suite 500San Mateo, CA 94404USA
TEL: (888) 422-8828FAX: (650) 827-1560URL:
Description : Actuate Corporation is dedicated to increasing the richness, interactivity and effectiveness of enterprise data, for everyone, everywhere. Actuate delivers the next generation RIA-ready information platform for both customer and employee-facing applications. Its proven RIA capabilities and highly collaborative development architecture are backed by the world's largest open source information application developer community, grounded in BIRT, the Eclipse Foundation's only top level Business Intelligence and reporting project.
The company has over 4,400 customers globally in a diverse range of business areas including financial services and the public sector, many of which have a long history of deploying Actuate-based solutions for dozens, or even hundreds of their mission-critical applications. Actuate is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol ACTU.
Organization Type: Vendor Date Founded: 1993
Topic CoverageBelow is a list of the key topic areas that Actuate covers in the reports that are available on Oracle Research Library:
Reporting Software (10 Documents)
Business Intelligence (11 Documents)
Business Performance Management (5 Documents)
Dashboards (3 Documents)
Open Source (3 Documents)
Business Intelligence Software (8 Documents)
Information Management (3 Documents)
Business Performance Management Software (2 Documents)
Spreadsheets (1 Document)
Financial Services Industry (3 Documents)
Java (1 Document)
Business Process Management (2 Documents)
Strategic Planning (1 Document)
Microsoft Excel (1 Document)
Information Management Software (1 Document)
Open Source Software (3 Documents)
Product CoverageBelow is a list of the key products that Actuate has listed on Oracle Research Library:
Actuate 9
Actuate BIRT
Actuate e.Spreadsheet Engine
Actuate iPortal
Agent and Broker Portals
Balanced Scorecard
Data Integration
Enterprise Reporting
Performance Management
Source: For more Actuate Business Intelligence BI software, visit
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