08 April 2008

MicroStrategy BI Solutions - Advanced and Predictive Analysis

Business Intelligence Software : MicroStrategy BI solutions - Advanced and Predictive Analysis

Advanced and Predictive Analysis gives power business users and information analysts full investigative power into any corner of the data warehouse to find out the details behind specific performance outcomes. Such requirements usually exceed the limits of OLAP Analysis. MicroStrategy has created an environment that lets users move seamlessly from basic OLAP to advanced statistical analysis and full data mining capabilities. Our BI technology was designed specifically to deliver the common functionality of statistical and data mining tools in a way that is familiar and consistent with everyday business intelligence usage.

Our platform supports advanced and predictive analysis capabilities, enabling users for the first time to perform analyses such as hypothesis testing, churn prediction and customer scoring models within a single unified web interface. With built-in support for over 400 Statistical, Mathematical and Financial functions, MicroStrategy lets users create reporting applications that combine ease-of-use with unparalleled backend sophistication.

Source: For more information on business intelligence software, MicroStrategy BI solutions, check out http://www.microstrategy.com/Solutions/5Styles/adv_analysis.asp?CID=