08 April 2008

MicroStrategy BI Solutions - Scorecards & Dashboards

Business Intelligence Software : MicroStrategy BI Solutions - Scorecards & Dashboards

Scorecards and dashboards provide "at-a-glance" information about business performance across the enterprise. They are typically generated for managers and executives who need an overall view of business performance and find tremendous value in viewing timely, visually intuitive snapshots of strategic financial and operational data.

The MicroStrategy platform provides the full range of scorecard and dashboard capability. We offer a unique enterprise reporting solution that combines powerful, graphical zone-based layout techniques used to produce scorecards and dashboards with traditional banded report formatting to produce data-rich yet visually compelling reports.

Organizations can comprehensively manage performance on the MicroStrategy platform, leveraging all enterprise data and reaching all individuals across the enterprise with visually compelling displays.

Source: For more information on Business Intelligence Software - MicroStrategy BI Solutions, check out http://www.microstrategy.com/Solutions/5Styles/scorecards_dashboards.asp?CID=