09 August 2008

BI Solutions SAS® Revenue Assurance for Telecommunications

Business Intelligence BI Application Software : SAS® Revenue Assurance for Telecommunications

Telecommunications marketplaces around the world are maturing and becoming more and more saturated. For leading operators, this is putting the spotlight on the importance of harvesting the maximum revenue value from their existing subscriber base.

While the introduction of new, non-voice services has helped drive top-line growth – up to 20 percent of total revenue in leading markets – it has also intensified the complexity of an increasingly convergent network and application platform environment. The rapid expansion of non-voice IP services, network event mediation, interconnection, billing and other vital revenue management areas has put enormous pressure on the integrity of the overall revenue chain, with more risk and opportunity for revenue leakage. Consider these points:

  • Studies have consistently shown that telecom operators seldom recognize between 3 to 15 percent of their revenue from voice and simple data services; revenue leakage estimates from newer IP services are much higher.
  • While some revenue leakage is a normal part of doing business, leakage amounts exceeding 3 percent are considered unacceptable and should be addressed.

Source: Business Intelligence BI Application software, SAS BI solutions for telecommunication at sas.com